Here's a part 2 of our past tweet collection. I added some comments and sources that I couldn't include in my tweets.
I knew It! It Was The Earthquake That Fatally Damaged The Fukushima Diichi Nuke Plant! This means the Wakasa and Kashiwazaki plants are also at risk. Prof Katsuhiko Ishibashi has conducted risk assessment on faults at all the nuke plants in Japan. Please immediately start planning to stop all the nuke plants! [Tweeted on 5/23/2011]
Nuke Plants can be easily destroyed by earthquakes. I can't believe the government is talking about strengthening anti-flood system from tsunami so that nuke plants can be operated safely. Plus, even though they start strengthening earthquake protections, they do not make the risk at zero. Patronized scholars who are bought by the nuke industry have all compared the nuke accidents at as such low risk as you get hit by a car on the street today. Really? A car accident could put risk of cancers, leukemia, and heart diseases on thousands of people at a time? In such a case, we must not continue with this nuclear craze unless the risk can be said absolutely zero.
Tokyo Shinbun (5/26/11): (translated summary)
Tokyo Shinbun found from a TEPCO data, "that indicates possibility of steam started leaking from the reactor container due to breakage in the pressure vessel or in pipes attached to the vessel, which was caused right after the earthquake." It also says, "Right after the earthquake on March 11, both temperature and pressure at the reactor container of #1 reactor raised high rapidly." According to Mitsuhiko Tanaka (a former nuclear equipment engineer), "Steam at high temperature leaked into reactor container after the pressure vessel or pipes to the vessel got cracked." Also, the #3 reactor's High Pressure Core Flooder System (HIPCF) is thought of being damaged after the earthquake. "This is creating so much suspicion in the earthquake resistant code set by the government."
There Is Absolutely No Persuasiveness In The Government's Saying The Hamaoka Is Safe In Its Operation. A report said there is 87% of chance the Hamaoka will be hit by a big earthquake while the same report said 0% chance in Fukushima being hit by an earthquake….Excuse me?? [Tweeted on 5/8/2011]
It was definitely a great decision that the prime minister, Naoto Kan, ordered Chubu Electric Co. to tentatively stop the Hamaoka Nuclear Plant in Shizuoka Prefecture on May 6. But, it doesn't make sense for the government to keep saying that nuclear plants other than the Hamaoka are safe to be operated. According to the Earthquake Research Committee, a possibility of having the earthquake that is stronger than intensity of 6, is 84% at the Hamaoka plant in the next 30 years. The 84% is ten times more than areas where other nuclear plants are. But, check this out. The same report as of January 2011 stated that it had 0% possibility that a big earthquake would hit where the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant is. Go figure. If you are sound and able to do a simple calculation, you easily understand that all the nuclear plants in Japan must be stopped immediately.
Attest by Prof. Katsuhiko Ishibashi(Seismologist) at the Upper House Oversight Committee Hearing (5/23/2011)
"The Hamaoka Nuclear Plant definitely is at the greatest risk. Unlike the government's plan to tentatively shut down the plant till the system to prevent tsunami flooding is built, I believe that the plant must be closed for good. I say this because anticipated Tokai Grand Earthquake can cause severe damages to the plant, in terms of its scale of impact, big aftershocks that follow, changes in ground conditions, and of course grand tsunamis. They can all become serious threats to the Hamaoka Nuclear Plant. And It is clear that only having counterplan to tsunami cannot prevent these threats from the plant."
"It is said that nuclear plants other than the Hamaoka are all safe, and I want you to know that this is quite an untruth……… there are various reasons why many nuclear plants in Japan can be said at risk. I urge you to call for immediate safety inspections at all the plants, and we need to eventually shut them all down."
When the Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Plant got shut down after the Chuetsu Offshore Earthquake in 2007, the Nuclear Safety Commission, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA), and TEPCO all underestimated its 60km-fault on the sea floor as only 36km. "This can be called a serious organizational fraud by these agencies." Prof. Ishibashi also said that academia in the seismology and geology and their scholars all work together with the Nuclear Industry by ignoring the existences of faults on the sea floor below Japan."
Don't Get Fooled by "We Can Sit Down and Relax Because the Hamaoka Plant Has Been Stopped." This does not change the fact that pipping hot fuels are still on the active faults. Remember that the Fukushima #4 reactor was not in operation at the time of the earthquake and it has been out of control since then. [Tweeted on 6/3/2011]
Tokyo Shinbun (5/15/11): (translated summary)
Prof. Tsuyoshi Misawa at the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute said "stopping a nuclear plant does not mean it is safe from earthquakes and tsunamis." There are 9000 fuels that include 6600 spent nuclear fuels at the Hamaoka plant even after it stopped its operation. If we are unable to cool the fuels, it becomes a serious crisis just like what is going on at the Fukushima Daiichi #4 reactor. "Plus, it is very dangerous to transport fuels to other places. Our nation's fast-breeder reactor is still too unreliable to be able to reprocess nuclear fuels, and we have not even decided where to bury radioactive waste."
The Tsuruga Nuclear Plant in Fukui Prefecture Was Found to Have 33 Holes in Its Pipes. There has been no inspection since its operation started in 1987. The plant leaked 4,900,000,000 Bq of radiation in May of this year, but the Japan Atomic Power Company boldly insisted the amount of leaking is safe until it reaches 1,700,000,000,000,000 Bq (!!!!!) [Tweeted on 6/3/2011]
It's very simple; nuclear plants get into trouble without earthquakes. If serious accident happen at the area so-called Nuclear Ginza in the Wakasa Bay where 14 nuclear plants are located, many people will die in Kansai and Chubu areas. When Prof. Ishibashi was asked about the next possible nuclear plant at greater risk after the Hamaoka nuclear plant, he immediately answered it's the Wakasa Bay. The safety standard of leakage by the Japan Atomic Power Company is 1,700,000,000,000,000 Bq, which is 2,800 times more than the official emitted radiation of 600,000,000,000 Bq at the Three Mile Island accident. I just don't believe that this number can be possibly safe for any standard, and the company says it as if they got no shame. If this number doesn't become a problem, I bet that such accidents happen all the time… that more people are sensitive about nuclear power so they just can't fool us as before.